Path back in August, a reputed SpiderMan: Homecoming cast list began making the rounds, which uncovered various intriguing subtle elements, for example, Angourie Rice playing Betty Brandt and Bookeem Woodbine playing the scoundrel known as the Shocker, a.k.a. Herman Schultz. Consequent set photographs that included the Shocker outfit appeared to affirm the legitimacy of this rundown, yet one detail many missed is that the rundown really says that Bookeem Woodbine is playing "Schultz/Shocker #2." Since there was no other Shocker specified on the rundown, that detail ended up plainly overlooked, yet it appears to be currently that it's very substantial. Amid an exceptional Marvel squeeze occasion prior this week, Marvel Studios co-president Louis D'Esposito affirmed that Logan Marshall Green is really playing the Shocker, who will apparently join Bokeem Woodbine's Herman Schultz, with the film highlighting two Shockers.