MANILA, Philippines -- Senator Leila de Lima dared President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday to stop taking Fentanyl, the painkiller said to be up to 100 times more potent than morphine, “so for even one single second you can experience a lucid interval and discover how crazy this drug war witch-hunting has become.

At the same time, De Lima, in a statement, said she is amazed about how people continue to believe what she called Duterte €œdrug induced€ imaginings ever after he admitted to taking Fentanyl.

“I'm almost sure that the new list of drug lords/protectors is again laden with errors, or one which did not undergo a thorough process of verification/validation as would negate any doubt as to its veracity, De Lima said, referring to the thick file Duterte carries around and from which he reads the names of alleged drug protectors in government during public speeches. 

Duterte has publicly accused De Lima of coddling convicted drug lords at the New Bilibid Prisons in exchange for millions of pesos kickbacks and his allies in Congress have also placed her in the center of inquiries into the drug trade.

€œAt least I, whom he recklessly and wrongly accuses as a narco-politician, haven't taken a single addictive drug in my life, while he who runs amok and froths in the mouth like a rabid animal has the temerity to make up a list, when he should be on the top of that list, De Lima said.

She said Duterte €œparanoia would be €œso hilarious if not for its murderous effect with the whole PNP (Philippine National Police) and vigilante squads following his command to kill, kill, kill.

Since July, various counts have placed the death toll from Duterte war on drugs at more than 6,000, only roughly a third of these from police operations, many of which are also suspected to be summary executions, the rest from street shootings and vigilante-style murders.